this past week - frantic movement,
a pressing onward, onward, onward
small glances behind, full glare ahead
hurting my eyes, depressing my heart.
regain clarity and charity
and thankfulness.
take the time to look around your life
alive and beating as you stand still.
see your beautiful children, graciously growing
despite your weaknesses.
see you loving husband and remember his morning embraces,
his words of compassion, his posture of interest.
see the joy of home and the gift of time within it,
the monotonous becoming a dance
or a song?
if you let it.
see the grace on grace on grace
of a God with good plans
and hands filled with power
and motivation of limitless love.
strengthening me.
calling me in purposes large and beautiful.
let go of imagined control
and lie back into submission.
move on.
I absolutely love this prayer:) I love this prayer absolutely:))